Casey Newton โ€” Platformer is leaving Substack...

It's not profitable to cater to Nazis, hate groups, bigots, etc. Most people don't want to be around it and will leave. Look no further than Twitter for an example of of how unprofitable it is to give Nazis a platform and how quickly it can kill a business.

Staid Winnow

They were probably not churning over much profit, so bring in the Nazis.

A NYT or WaPo subscription is $4-$6 a month. Full of opeds, arts, sports, entertainment, culture...

A one-person Substack with 5-7 blogs a month? Costly.

The model requires a lot more users to succeed. Maybe authors pooling.

Ghost is also just software, not a platform/network. The real benefit to me is I can download the source code, put it on my server, and OWN my site.

If Ghost pulled a Substack, someone would fork the project and we would all get on with our lives and ignore Ghost the organization.


Substack was designed to offer a platform to journalists, writersโ€ฆso they get paid for their work. Used to be right in the middle, like the political party we donโ€™t have ๐Ÿ˜€ did not mean to go political, but they were filling the blank โ€ฆ unfortunately, not anymore

Feisty Kinglet

Great statement! While acknowledging that there were some valid concerns with how you initially communicated things and how the steps you took could be interpreted (as you mention), I think your handling of this has been great overall and I'm sorry for what must have been a great deal of stress!

Casey Newton

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