Vira — Передивляюсь Баффі. У 8 серії...

2x15 - чувак нарешті зізнається що він гей без негативних наслідків!

2х16 - усі жінки закохуються в Зендера. але коли він йде по коридору на нього обертаються усі, незалежно від статі!


Розумію чому я так люблю і розумію Зендера - ми з ним однакової думки про Ангела. Особливо в питанні вбивства Дженні


Баффі і Спайк працюють разом вперше 🥹
А ще дуже прикольно, що Спайк от прям реально має майже-людські-почуття і може себе контролювати, коли хоче. На відміну від декого 🙄


Зендероцентрична серія з таким милим фіналом 🥺
Він завжди залишається найсильнішим з них, будучи людиною!
Він оживив Баффі, врятує Віллоу, ще не раз допоможу усім!


Я дуже люблю арку Фейт.
Те, як вона вбиває людину, але намагається зробити вигляд, що її це не зачіпає. І як потім за це поплатиться.


Як же мене бісить Веслі!
Я думала цього разу не так, але те, як він поливає слюнями неповнолітню, а при цьому ще той муділа… Швидше б він уже змінився!


- I know I am not the kind of girl vamps like to sync their teeth into. It’s always like “ew you’re like a sister to me” or “oh, you’re such a good friend”.
- Don’t be ridiculous. I’d bite you in a heartbeat.

4x07 в список прекрасних серій за ці стосунки


- Really?
- Thought about it.
- When?
- Remember last year? You had on that fuzzy pink number with lilac underneath 😏
- 😊 I never would’ve guessed. You played the bloodlust kinda cool.
- I hate being this all fangy and kinda grrr. Takes the mystery out.
- But if you could?..
- if I could? Yeah!


Я обожнюю, що вони не пішли тупим тропом, в якому хлопець впізнає свою дівчину по поцілунку!
І те, що Тара була першою, хто зрозумів що щось не так - це дуже неочікувано і одночасно подає Тару з певного боку))
Памʼятаю що так я її і полюбила 🥰


Зізнання Віллоу про Тару таке… нормальне. І те, як Баффі його сприйняла - спочатку дивно, а потім «та ні, все ок» але це все впродовж кількох хвилин, робить ситуацію такою нормальною


The Yoko Factor епізод - це чергова прекрасна демонстрація того, як Спайк помічає деталі, які упускають інші, і маніпулює ними з професійністю хірурга


G: Would someone please rip that bloody bell off its hinges?
X: Would that involve moving?
W: My feet are numb.
X: I’ll see your numbness, and I’ll raise you a lower back pain.
G: I think I liked it better when demons would just crash in here and tear the place apart. Just seemed so much simpler.


Family це одна з серій які я памʼятала, але без деталей взагалі, тому зараз знову дуже круто було подивитись історію Тари наново і як скубі генг і навіть Спайк вступились за неї 🥹


Райді і Спайк на повному серйозі обговорюють вірогідність стосунків Спайка з Баффі and I’m here for it!

- You actually think you got a shot with her?
- No, I don’t. Fella’s got to try though.


- Spike is a monster. And plus, you are only 14yo.
- I like hanging out with him is all. And even if I did have a crush, he wouldn’t noticed in a million years. Not with you around.
- What does that mean?
- Spike’s totally into you.
- …


“Because this… with you… is wrong. I know it. I’m not a complete idiot. Do you think I like having you in here? [Points to his chest] Destroying everything that was me until all that’s left is you in a dead shell? You say you hate it but you won’t leave!”


“Joyce was the only one of the lot of you that I could stand. […] I liked the lady. You understand monkey boy? She was decent. She didn’t put on airs. She also had a nice cuppa for me. And she never treated me like a freak.”


- We’re not all gonna make it, you know that.
- Yeah. Hey, I always knew I’d go down fighting.
- I am counting on you... to protect her.
- Till the end of the world. Even if that happens to be tonight.

Баффі домовляється зі Спайком, не пояснюючи йому нічого, але він зробить як вона просить 😭


- I’ll name me… Joan.
- Ugh.
- What? Did you just ugh my name?
- No, I just…I mean it’s so blah. Joan?
- I like it. I feel like a Joan.
- Fine, that’s your purgative.
- Prerogative.
- Whatever, Joan.
- Whatever, Umad.
- Boy, you’re bossy–
- Boy, you’re a pain in the–
- Do you think we’re…
- Sisters?


- I’m in love with you.
- You’re in love with pain. Admit it. You like me because you enjoy getting beat down. So really, who’s screwed up?
- Hello. Vampire. I’m supposed to be treating on the dark side. What’s your excuse?


- That’s it. Put in on me. Put it all on me. That’s my girl.
- I am not your girl! You don’t have a soul! There is nothing good or clean in you! You are dead inside! You can’t feel anything real! I could never be your girl!
- You always hurt the one you love, pet.


- I thought vengeance demons only punished men who wronged women.
- Oh, that was all Anya’s little raison d’être. Most of us try to be a little more well-rounded, and actually, we prefer “justice demon”. Okay? FYI


- What’s that smell? Geez, Slayer! Is that you?
- I’ve been working.
- Where, in a slaughterhouse?
- Doublemeat Palace.
- Oh… You know what? Let’s just call it a night. If it’s all the same to you and you’ve been eating that stuff I’m not so sure I wanna bite you.


You’re not drawn to the dark like I thought. You’re addicted to misery. That’s why you won’t tell your pals about us. You might actually have to be happy if you did. They either understand and help you, God forbid, or drive you out where you could finally be at peace in the dark with me.


Either way, you’d be better off for it. But you’re too twisted for that. Let yourself live, already. And stop with the bloody hero trip for a sec. We’d all be better for it. You either tell your friends about us, or I will.


- I don’t hurt you.
- I know.
- No, you don’t. I’ve tried to make it clear to you, but you won’t see it. Something happened to me, the way I feel about you. It’s different and no matter how hard you try to convince yourself it isn’t, it is.
- I think it is. For you.


- I think something’s been going on with Spike and Buffy. I mean, she looked so hurt when she saw him with Anya. I think maybe…
- They’ve been sleeping together.
- No. I wouldn’t go that far.
- No, I mean, she told me they’ve been sleeping together.
- ST? You mean like the naked kind of together?


- I have feelings for you. I do. But it’s not love. I could never trust you enough for it to be love.
- The trust is for old marrieds, Buffy. Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous. It burns and consumes.
- Until there’s nothing left. Love like that doesn’t last.


- You’re out of the Trio. […] No respect for the chain of command.
- Yeah, see how far that’s gotten you? Checking every hole in your sad little body for transmitters that don’t exist.
- Oh, I’ll find it, if I have to check every hole in my body and yours.


“Listen Anya, I know I’ve always been a little competitive with you. I mean, there was that thing in the Crimean War. We laugh about it now. But the fact is I’ve actually always looked up to you. You were the single most hard-core vengeance demon on the roaster, and everybody knew it.”


- And, Buffy, relax. There’s only three things these kids understand: the boot, the bed and the bastinada.
- …
- It’s the… It’s a… It’s a bad joke. It’s the bastinada. No one ever knows what that thing is.


Hey, bring your wife and kiddies. Come to see the show. This is gonna be a circus. This is just a beginning, luv. A warm-up act. The real headliner’s coming. And when that band hits the stage, all of this will come tumbling in death and screaming, horror and bloodshed. From beneath you, it devours.


Дуже люблю цю серію, де дівчина знає про свою смерть і що цього не зупинити. Одна з моїх найулюбленіших серій!

Але я забула, як вона каже Спайку «She’ll tell you. Some day she’ll tell you.”😩


- Buffy won’t be coming in today. She’s really sick.
- Oh, no.
- Yeah. Last night, she was vomiting, and then this morning she was vomiting some more. And then, just when we thought she was done, she started vomiting again.
- Yeah we got that stomach flu going around.


We just declared war. From now on, we won’t just face our worst fears, we will seek them out. We will find them and cut out their hearts, one by one, until The First shows itself for what it really is. And I’ll kill myself. There’s only one thing on this Earth more powerful than evil. And that’s us.


K: Only a vamp could live like this.
S: Some, yeah. As a group, we are not known for our tasteful decor, but in all fairness to race, this place is seriously lacking in style.
B: Thank you, Spike.
S: Merley saying.
B: He has a point.


M: Where did you live?
S: What, you mean before? A crypt, actually, but nicer. A bit more… I don’t know if “posh” is the right word, but it was more like…
B: Comfy.
K: Excuse me? When did you find it comfy?

B: Moving on.


They’ll never know how tough it is, Dawnie, to be the one who isn’t chosen, to live so near the spotlight and never step in it. But I know. And I see more than anybody realises because nobody is watching me. I saw you last night. I see you working here today. You’re not special. You’re extraordinary


Seven years, Dawn. Working with the Slayer. Seeing my friends get more and more powerful. A witch, a demon. Hell, I could fit Oz in my shaving kit, but, full moon, he had a wolfie mojo, not to be messed with. Powerful. All of them. And I am the guy who fixes the windows.


They’ll never know how tough it is, Dawnie, to be the one who isn’t chosen, to live so near the spotlight and never step in it. But I know. And I see more than anybody realises because nobody is watching me. I saw you last night. I see you working here today. You’re not special. You’re extraordinary


- Agent Finn reported that you tried to contact him earlier today.
- I knew it! Government conspiracy.
- He indicated you might be needing our assistance. We’re to provide you anything you need to help “assface” here. Those were his exact words, ma’am.


- Buffy, I want more for you. Your feelings for him are colouring your judgement. I can hear it in your voice. And that way lies the future filled with pain. I don’t want that for you.
- We haven’t… Things have been different since he came back.


- And it’d be good for me.
- Right. Help you move on.
- Why does everybody in this house think I’m still in love with Spike?
- No, I meant move on from this impost, super self reliance. Let somebody get close.


- It said it wasn’t time for me yet. I should move out, leave town before it is time for me.
- No. You have to stay.
- No, you’ve got another demon fighter now.
- That’s not why I need you here.
- Is that right? Why is that then?
- ‘Cause I’m not ready for you to not be here.


- I haven’t been quite relishing the kill the way I used to.
- You were a better fighter then.
- I did this for you! The soul, the changes. It’s what you wanted.
- What I want is the Spike that’s dangerous, the Spike that tried to kill me when we met.


F: You’re protecting vampires? Are you the bad Slayer now? Am I the good Slayer now?
B: He’s with me. He has a soul.
F: Oh, he’s like Angel?
S: No.
B: Sort of.
S: I’m nothing like Angel.

S: Angel’s as dull as a table lamp. And we have very different colouring.


- I may have said a few things.
- Like you could ride me at a gallop till my knees buckled. Squeeze me till I pop like worm champagne. It’s not the kind of thing a man forgets.
- Should’ve known it wasn’t Blondie behind the wheel. She never throw down like that.
- Oh, you have been away.


W: We are her friends, we just wanted…
S: Oh, that’s ballsy of you! You’re her friends and you betray her like this.
G: You don’t understand.
S: You know, I think I do. Rupert. You used to be the big man, didn’t you? The teacher, all full of wisdom. Now she’s surpassed you, and you can’t handle it.


S: She has saved your lives again and again. She has died for you, and this is how you thank her.
F: Hey! Why don’t you take it down a notch or two? The time for speech-giving is over, bad boy.
S: Oh! Is that right?
F: Yeah, that’s right. Save your lack of breath.


- Alright. Stage is yours. Cheer me up.
- You’re insufferable.
- Thank you. That really helped.
- I’m not trying to cheer you up.
- What are you trying to say?
- I don’t know! I’ll know when I’m done saying it.


I’ve been alive a bit longer than you. And dead a lot longer than that.I’ve seen things you couldn’t imagine.And done things I prefer you didn’t. Don’t exactly have a reputation for being a thinker.I follow my blood.Which doesn’t exactly rush in the direction of my brain.So I make a lot of mistakes.


I’ve been alive a bit longer than you. And dead a lot longer than that. I’ve seen things you couldn’t imagine. And done things I prefer you didn’t. Don’t exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood. Which doesn’t exactly rush in the direction of my brain.


When I say “I love you” it’s not because I want you. Or because I can’t have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are. What you do. How you try. I’ve seen your kindness, and your strength. I’ve seen the best and the worst of you.


And I understand, with perfect clarity, exactly what you are. You’re a hell of a woman. You’re the One, Buffy.
- I don’t want to be the One.
I don’t want to be this good, looking and athletic. We all have crosses to bear.


- Honey, you’re home. And you did it. Fulfilled your mission. Found the Holy Grail or the Holy Hand Grenade or whatever the hell that is.
- Right now, we’re going with scythe. You like?
- Well, pointy and wooden is not exactly the look I want to know better, but it does have flare.


I’ve lived for soddin’ ever, Buffy. I’ve done everything. I’ve done things with you I can’t spell, but… I’ve never been close to anyone, least of all you. Until last night. All I did was hold you, what you sleep, and it was the best night of my life. So, yeah, I’m… terrified…


- You can’t buy me off with shiny beads, and sweet talk. You got Angel breath. I’m not gonna just let you whack me back and forth like a rubber ball. I’ve got my pride, you know?
- I understand.
- Clearly you don’t, ‘cause the whole “having my pride” thing was just a smokescreen.
- Oh, thank god!


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