Tim Badrick — Every sane, rational and patri...

Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power in the world, but the US forced Ukraine to give away nukes promising NATO membership and protection. Ukraine got no membership and barely enough weapons to slow down Russians, now you want to take that away too, shame.

Tim Badrick

Ukraine does not get any money, it gets old weapons manufactured in 80s and 90s from an existing stockpile that will be replaced by modern weapons using the money "allocated for Ukraine". This move boosts the economy and modernizes the US weapons. For about 3% of the military budget.

Tim Badrick

Ukraine is a democracy, there is no "regime" in there. You repeat Russian propaganda now, please go visit Ukraine or Russia to see what actually is going on. The only thing Zelenskyy did to piss off MAGA was saying that he can't produce evidence that does not exist in regards to Hunter Biden.

Tim Badrick

In 2014 Ukraine protested against abandoning the EU path in favor of Russia by the former president of Ukraine Yanukovich. About 18 million people protested, including me. There were no Nazis then and there are no Nazis now. These lies were made up to cover up the 2014 invasion of Crimea by Russia.

Tim Badrick

What you saw is propaganda. Let's go back to 2008, Russia made exactly the same claims about Georgia and invaded it in 2008. They took 20% of their territory and installed a puppet government. Even Hitler used the same excuse of protecting ethnic germans to invade Poland.

Tim Badrick

For all of Russia's aggression and Putin's evil being neo Nazi and anything even remotely supportive of Hitler in Russia will soon get you killed by the Kremlin.

Hiter killed more Russians/ Slavs than he killed Ashkenazi Jews. So comparing Russia to Hitler's Germany in any context is not factual.

For all of Russia's aggression and Putin's evil being neo Nazi and anything even remotely supportive of Hitler in Russia will soon get you killed by the Kremlin.

Hitler killed more Russians/ Slavs than he killed Ashkenazi Jews. So comparing Russia to Hitler's Germany in any context is not factual.

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