Nash — What's fucking hilarious are t...

What's fucking hilarious are the denials from the Rabbit CEO and staff that their "Rabbit R1" is just an Android app running on a generic Android device.

Anyone who knows how this stuff works would have known the app could be cracked, easily.

No, you don't need a 'very bespoke AOSP' to turn your phone into a Rabbit R1 — here's proof

Rabbit recently said their AI service can only be accessed on the R1 with its “very bespoke AOSP” firmware, but that isn’t true.

I really don't know which part galls me the most:

- Rabbit thought we were all stupid
- Everyone working at Rabbit appears to in fact be stupid
- The tech press at CES pissed themselves over the Rabbit R1
- The people behind Rabbit will just fail into another tech company within months


A quick summary:

The "Rabbit R1" only existed as an unnecessary (and crappy) standalone device because they're desperate to pay back investors and no one in their right mind would throw down $200 just for an Android app.

So they threw the app on a cheap generic standalone Android device and lied.


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