ᚉᚐᚔᚂᚂᚓᚐᚉᚆ ᚅᚐ ᚂᚒᚐᚈᚆᚐ — "Have, you, you know, tried st...

"Have, you, you know, tried stopping being trans?"

And if he hadn't had parents who were supportive and also the sort of well-educated, 'nice' white middle class parents who get listened to and who know what levers to pull, it could have literally ruined his life. I suspect there were other kids who got that treatment who were less lucky.

Jo Kershaw

And it’s not like anti-depressants (which, to be clear, are useful drugs that can be life saving) are exactly side-effect free, either. On occasion, quite dangerous side-effects, if you’re unlucky. But that’s not a reason not to prescribe them, it’s a reason to monitor and be careful.

Jo Kershaw

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