The New York Times — Breaking News: Rep. Marjorie T...

Breaking News: Democrats joined Republicans to save Speaker Mike Johnson’s speakership from an ouster bid by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. The vote to kill the effort was an overwhelming 359 to 43, with seven Democrats voting “present.”

Johnson Survives Greene’s Ouster Attempt as Democrats Join G.O.P. to Kill It

Republicans and Democrats banded together to block a motion by the right-wing Georgia congresswoman to remove the speaker.

The New York Times


I also think Mutually Assured Destruction via blackmail is the only thing holding the world order together, and no I am not talking about adrenochrome or shit like panda eyes which is just "blumpkin" porn for virgins.


Stupid move Democrats. Let the maga party destroy themselves, you've just given the congressional Republicans stability for the upcoming election. Why? They still control congress & will do nothing but make ridiculous law, proclamations & continue hearings that do nothing & go nowhere. Just why?

The New York Times

🤬Another spineless fail by Dems just one day after Johnson stated "all the legal battles he's (Trump) facing are "orchestrated by Democrats... you're gonna see the Congress address this in every possible way."🤬Yep, Republican Congressional chaos is bad for 'bipartisanship' with fascists.

The New York Times

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