Mo Ryan — 👍🏻Not only was DS9’s Kira al...

👍🏻Not only was DS9’s Kira allowed to have the full gamut of trauma and rage/anger plus went thru a lot emotional growth & processing—she also had a great dating life! obv Odo, but Kira was desirable to a lot of people. Her ferocity made her more attractive, not less. Mo’ representation like this pls!

I mean I will definitely say that Kira/Odo was like one of my formative adolescent ships in the 90s, but then I’m also a trash barge who wanted to see how her poly fling with the O’Briens was gonna play out

but yes Garak and Bashir are *chef’s kiss*

Mo Ryan

In our most recent rewatch, it seemed very clear that somebody high on the food chain wanted OBrien to get a ton of screen time. And no shade to the actor at all, but at times it was like, “hey, I thought Avery Brooks was the star of the show? Why is this often the Miles O’Brien show?”


I think it was partly that. I think it was also, frankly, probably (this is a guess, but based on my observations about the industry) executives nervous about having a Black lead, the first Black lead on a Trek show. Hence the carryover white guy being around way more than really necessary IMO.


one of my fave episodes is the one where she battles Winn over the school, because it COULD have been 😬 to have a brilliant, accomplished professional woman boxed into a role that’s primarily centered on children but the show didn’t forget that she was a scientist first and foremost

Mark, Kitty Cuddler

I was fifteen when DS9 hit the air and Kira was… well we need a term to replace “patronus” now. My angry, traumatized teenage soul incarnate and put onscreen. (Ivanova was a close second.) I rewatched DS9 in my forties and had the exact same response, which was both hilarious and kind of validating.

Mo Ryan

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