Andrew Fleischman — lol

SCENE: A Red Lobster in Hohokus, New Jersey. November 2018.

Timmy (8 years): "Mommy! Look at this neat truck I drew!"

Elon Musk: *swipes placemat from child*: "I'll take that! Elon Musk...awaaaaaaaaay!"


Elon Musk: "Also, I'd like a double order of Cheddar Biscuits to go."


So does his New York Times profile from 2012…

I don’t think he’s been arrested since 2009, but I’m not sure how he got a visa for his pro-Russian tour as a sex offender, and he definitely traveled to Kherson illegally.

Scott Ritter’s Other War (Published 2012)

The former United Nations weapons inspector and fierce critic of the Iraq invasion is still fighting, but now against only himself.

Colonel Kurtz

IANAL, so I have to ask. Isn't pedophilia a psychiatric disorder, not something you can be "convicted" for?

If someone hasn't been officially diagnosed, calling them a "convicted pedophile", despite any convictions for acts related to the concept, that could be libel, right?

Andrew Fleischman

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