Jay Edidin — If the shoplifting of baby for...

"People are committing theft so that their infants don't starve!"

So the problem is that *if they don't*, their infants will starve, because they don't have the means to keep them from starving without theft.

Jay Edidin

Exactly. The problem isn't that people are stealing baby formula; the problem is that people don't have adequate, accessible ways to keep their babies fed.

(Oversimplified, the problem is that the theft is even *possible* bc baby formula should be fucking free.)


Yeah. Formula was so terrifyingly expensive when my daughter was little & it's only gotten worse over the last 23 years. I breastfed as long as I could, but she was a biter.

Without WIC, it would have been so much terror and theft for me. 🤷🏻

Jay Edidin

I'm a cashier,& honestly, I don't know how anyone not in the upper middle class would survive having kids without WIC. That shit is ridiculously expensive. Honestly, I wouldn't be bothered if they put diapers on WIC too.

People don't always realize how much money you can make and still be eligible.


Honestly, some sort of diaper solution would be so helpful. I can't imagine trying to raise a baby today. It was expensive enough a quarter century ago.

And we can't ask people to go back to cloth diapers like my mother did (I'm old...at 58 I was probably one of the last cloth diaper babies.) That either requires you have your own washer and drier, or the backbreaking physical labor of handwashing because laundromats won't let you do it.


Or a laundry service, yeah. They have those now. And I'm 47 - my brother is 41 - you're not quite one of the last.

Honestly, a laundry service would probably be long-term cheaper for state funding than disposables. 🤷🏻

Diaper services used to be more common and cheaper

We were lucky when kiddo was new that an old-school service was still operating near us

They closed down in a year (after decades in business) and the crunchy new service was so annoying and fussy and $$$ that we switched to doing it ourselves

FWIW, I worked at a grocery store 10 years ago, and baby formula was kept behind the customer service desk for this reason.

But I do agree with the sentiment of the other comments. Babies have no boot straps, formula should be easy enough to get that gray markets for it aren't lucrative.

Gluten-free Seitan

There was in fact a shortage. And every system other than capitalism has a lot more shortages.

Explainer: What happened with Abbott baby formula that worsened a U.S. shortage?

Abbott Laboratories , the biggest U.S. supplier of powder infant formula including Similac, has agreed with regulators on steps needed to resume production at its Sturgis, Michigan, manufacturing plant.


Molligru 🏳️‍⚧️🦄

* they watched Les Mis on Broadway b/c they wanted to say they’d been to a broadway show for social caché but they didn’t understand it and can’t apply that knowledge because they didn’t receive a sufficient Humanities education in college


My wife had pre-eclampsia and had a stressful birth, and we still agree that the worst part of the birthing experience was the lactation consultants being judgemental when I asked for a demo of how to formula feed *just in case*.

Jay Edidin

I don't even get why people think breastfeeding is the only real way to feed newborns, feeding infants without breastmilk has existed as a concept for MANY hundreds of years, and countless infants died before the invention of feeding alternatives... not all infants are capable of breastfeeding.

Jay Edidin

just so everyone knows - If you live in the USA and qualify for WIC they often have lactation consultants on staff who will talk to you as part of the program. They also have pumps you can borrow and other supports wicbreastfeeding.fns.usda.gov/get-support-...

Get Support from WIC | WIC Breastfeeding SupportLock

Whether you’re just starting out or having challenges, WIC is there for you at every step. Whether you're just starting out on your breastfeeding journey or having unexpected challenges, WIC is there ...


Tea Berry-Blue

My wife struggled a lot with breastfeeding, despite wanting it *so bad*, and knowing that the COVID vaccine protection she got after baby was born could be delivered to him that way. So, to anyone trying to bring that shit here I say:

Jay Edidin

TP was not bought for resale. TP was panic-buying for people who expected not to be able to leave their houses due to a news media environment that was trying to scare them. The people posting about it on social media exacerbated it. Nobody was selling TP, and if they were no one was buying.

Dead Bat Designs

I don't know what to tell you, but people buying things aiming to create an artificial shortage and resell them has gone crazy over the last decade in particular. Tickets to events are one of the biggest things, also limited edition kids' toys or *things as basic as water* in disaster areas.


Yeah, but toilet paper is not one of them. I'm aware that the crazy hustle culture has driven prices up on most non-necessities and collector items, because I am a collector of things. Something important to remember is that just because something is listed for sale doesn't mean it will EVER sell.

Dead Bat Designs

That's why it pisses me off so bad when youtubers make a video talking about the most expensive video game or toy or whatever and look only at Ebay listings and not Ebay sales. Just because someone posts a limited edition plush up for 2k doesn't mean anyone bought it for that price. Don't get fooled


Prices are supply AND demand. Just because some people are stupid or desperate enough to pay scalpers doesn't mean that most people are. Demand is far more important than supply, and just because people are gonna pay a premium for Taylor Swift tickets doesn't mean they'll do the same for TP.


My wife works at a retail store and every year when stuff comes out for holidays, they are deluged w/people trying to buy as many of them as they can, looking to flip them online. I can't imagine if *no one was buying* that this would keep going this many years later.


Yeah. Toys and seasonal limited edition offerings. Not daily necessities. People were scrambling, and some were desperate, but you forget that that happened when no one had money at all. When no one has money, necessities do not sell at a premium. People figure it out. Stop digging your heels in.

Dead Bat Designs

Eh, plenty of people were working from home and still getting regular paychecks, but my main point is *there really are some shitty people who will try to take advantage of an already bad situation*. Even if they don't find buyers, hoarding stuff w/intent to sell it still makes the shortage worse.


I had an infant who was formula fed in 2022 and this is just not what happened. People were not buying up formula to resell at a markup - there was none to be had and as soon as the recall hit limits were put in place. If people were buying stuff it was because they needed it or friends did.

Dead Bat Designs

How is that any different, morally speaking, from what the grocery stores are already doing? Everything we consume has been stolen in some way, somewhere along the line. The entire system is built on exploitation, and that's why we say there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Dead Bat Designs

To answer, it's even more dastardly because it's exploiting the problem already created by the store price gouging and then *making it worse* by adding even more cost on top of it to exploit people who *actually need it*, rather than fighting against the gouging (stealing then *giving it away*)


I’m not trying to refute your point, I’m just saying that deadbat’s argument has a false premise.

I can’t find evidence that grey and black market prices are higher *except* for illegally imported formula that’s purchased by rich people.

You’ve got a point but you’re arguing against false premises


I want to say--I don't have anything to cite about *baby formula specifically*, no. Just that in general, there are organized groups of people making theft their business model in ways that were far less prevalent pre-2020. I don't mean the "flash mob" low-level stuff conservatives freak out over...



Wish I had a guest link, but the first part of this article is pretty horrifying. Even the assistance programs have a cost, po folks can’t afford that kind of time sink, etc


A Very Expensive, Technically Illegal Workaround to the Formula Shortage

While some parents struggle to get ahold of formula, others with the means and know-how are turning to the black market.


pockets and sedition

Its a well known fact many cannot breastfeed, and many infants are incapable of breastfeeding and need to be bottle-fed because they cannot latch onto a tit (often due to health conditions). Anyone who is devoted to 'breastfeeding' and hates bottle-feeding wants infants to die and deserves a block.

Jay Edidin

Or if they can latch on, it's painful as hell for the breastfeeding parent. My child probably has lip and/or tongue tie and no one would take me seriously about it, so I toughed it out since she also had allergies and food intolerances that made getting formula nearly impossible.

Vinchenzo the Jackal

And why is baby formula so expensive??

Because manufacturers artificially raise the profit margins on baby formula since so much of it is subsidized by the govt. Formula isn't expensive to make, but the companies are profiting huge off it because most of it is bought with WIC.

Jay Edidin

What could solve this problem?

Well, you could, for example, regulate the prices. And if the companies don't agree to that then I guess you could take the means of production away from the companies unless they agree to price regulations.


When I worked retail and brought that up I was told people stole it to cut it with drugs, but looking back I'm thinking that was probably bullshit

Jay Edidin

I often see people saying stuff like "the people shoplifting the baby formula are selling it, not keeping it."

To which I reply, if they're selling it at a lower price than the store, then you still have the exact same problem.

Jay Edidin

It's a lot more hot water, too. I remember mom doing cloth diapers for siblings: it was pretty much us constantly doing laundry loads of soiled diapers & diaper covers. And the diapers? You have to wash them HOT, to sanitize them.

There's a reason (expensive!) diaper laundry services are in demand.

Coriolus Nimrod

Pregnancy should come with a godddamn STIPEND.
Free prenatal care.
Fully-paid leave for 1/yr, 70% 2nd year & WFH options prioritized.
Free hospital birth.
Free healthcare for the child & mother.
Free diapers.
Free formula and baby food.
Free or reduced cost childcare.
Basic baby clothes.

Blue Honey

Basic child rearing expenses such as shelter, education and nutrition should be covered or subsidized up to age 18. Social and financial supports for family and community upbringing children needs to happen, too.

If society insists they want to boost the birthrate, let’s do it right.

Hipster Sasquatch

Whats more baffling is that this is all fucking theater.

Its fake... like you can just get a clerk to get the formula / item out of the locked thing, and walk around a corner and steal it. No one follows the you and the formula until you check out.

I hate that its all theater.

Jay Edidin

This is a marketing strategy for the formula companies so it’s very much a mixed bag

The idea is that when you run out of those tins, you’re going to more likely to buy that same kind at the store (at a price that is inflated to subsidize the give away, plus the free formula is prob a tax write off

Father John Chungus

If you unable to pay a civil penalty, then it is simply forgiven via insolvency. However, if the court determines that you are ABLE to pay and simply refuse, THEN you can be jailed for contempt of court. The problem arises when a court decides someone is able to pay, but in reality they are not.

Karpov's Machine

I can at least respect stealing baby formula, or other nutrition. It's the people stealing Liquor and cigarettes. I mean seriously, you f*cked up your life so badly that you are risking arrest to feed your bad habit?

Jay Edidin

It was just a roundabout way of saying that unlike stealing other stuff, stealing food can be a morally correct action. I'm not sure what is so upsetting about that. I'm a cashier, & I see it everyday, and I get way more upset about people stealing that stuff, and don't get upset at all about food.

Jay Edidin

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