optiMSTie — What is your fave black & whit...

What is your fave black & white movie?

2nd-fave film after Jaws, the OG Night of the Living Dead.

I have viewing traditions:

1st day of summer? Monsieur Hulot's Holiday.
4th of July? Jaws.
Thanksgiving? MST3K Turkey Day.
Christmas? Charlie Brown Christmas.

I lied Lolol I got so excited I jumped the gun. A hard says night is one of my favorites but My Man Godfrey, Christmas In Connecticut, and The Lady Eve are my favs too


im a big Stanwyck fan. her comedies are the best. But wow yeah my man Godfrey. That’s the movie I recommend to anyone who asks for a movie recommendation. it’s in color now, which is fine either way, but there’s actually 1 joke that now lands better because you can see what color everyone’s wearing


i was a freshman in HS when the Beatles anthology aired and my friend group got really really into the Beatles. I think I’ve watched this a hundred times since then. It’s really fun. I enjoy help a lot too as far as Beatles movies go, but not as much.


That you do, aye. I think you'll *adore* the movie when you track it down. It somehow makes zither music and noir vibes WORK.

It's earned thunderous buzz over the ensuing decades since its release, and it's all well deserved.

Orson Welles's introduction is [italian chef kisses own fingers dot GIF]


THE PHILADELPHIA STORY IS FREAKING BOSS, and I say that as someone who thinks that anything Jimmy Stewart does is beyond brilliant.

And that zither score from The Third Man doesn't faze me. I love it, as I love the entire rest of the movie.

Rex Thrillho

Okay, Hud is some masterclass stuff. Love it to pieces. It drove home the point early that Paul Newman could do no wrong.

THAT'S a film that would make for a great double-feature with The Last Picture Show.


Noirs are flippin' *rich.* :) Such a texture and depth to them. And they're just so much FUN.

Love me some Kansas City Confidential and - with a bit of foreign flavor - Rififi.

I haven't seen those two, but I see He Walked By Night available on a few sites. I'd love to see it and get back to ya!

Dana Lemaster

It’s so hard to say because there are too many that I love! Night of the living dead is up there for me too. Spellbound is definitely one of my favorites. Nights of Cabiria as well. Hour of the Wolf is another that I love. So many good b+w movies.


Right?! Beyond difficult choices because there's so much good stuff!

Spellbound is fantastico. Love love love those Dali visuals, not to mention the Peck/Berman performances.

Seen Hour of the Wolf some time ago by way of the library, need to see that again.



Black-and-white films made for some of the best that cinema had to offer, for sure!

That dialogue in His Girl Friday is UNREAL, it crackles and pops with energy!

The 39 Steps has an absolutely killer finale, and I can't use enough digital ink to praise the mastery of It's a Wonderful Life.

Mary Jones

I think it captures the fourth of July experience perfectly:
It's hot as balls and you're sweating like a pig. For reasons you don't understand you decide to go to some event but you're obligated to obtain and bring along some awkward contribution.


Oh, rock! :D

A Charlie Brown Christmas is pretty much ironclad as a pick, but I always try to work in It's a Wonderful Life for the holiday season.

Love your tradition of Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein for Halloween! Their comedies work WONDERFULLY as a counterpoint to the scarier offerings.

David Kuhne

I watched NOTLD as a kid in the 80s, raised on a diet of Disney movies, family fare, and happy endings.

This went against all of that and utterly horrified me, traumatized me, turned my world on its head.

It's a damning indictment of our society that the movie continues to be as relevant as it is.

Bringing Up Baby was viewed as box office poison once upon a time, and that's a shame, because it's such a fun comedic romp. Couldn't be happier that time has vindicated it.

But Cat People? Gah. That's my jam. Jacques Tourneur was phenomenal with those kinds of films, esp. Night of the Demon!

I had no qualms w/ the monster design, I thought it was really sharp, but I wonder if it would have made the film more effective to keep it in the dark or use it less? To make everyone wonder if what happened in NOTD was mere suggestion or actual demonic shenanigans?

Eh, whatevs. STILL LOVE IT :D

yeah, i think the general consensus (and allegedly Tourneur's opinion) was that it shouldn't have been shown at all. i still think the from-a-distance stop motion effects are incredibly scary, and i've come to feel an affinity for the goofy close-up monster. we're all muppets, after all.


Carnival of Souls has atmosphere to SPARE.

Rented it on a whim from Blockbuster (on Criterion DVD, no less), dug the hell out of it.

Gotta love that it came from Herk Harvey, a man who directed a number of educational (?) short films, including the MST3K'd Cheating short and Shake Hands w/ Danger.

Kind of same story. After hearing MST3K referencing it, I came across it at a Blockbuster and had to grab it to get the joke about it. I found I really liked it for all the reasons it got made fun of.


RIGHT?! That's the way for a lot of stuff I love!

I discovered Bergman and Kurosawa (among other directors and a number of important films) because of MST3K, just one more reason why I owe it an incalculable debt.

Yeah, the RiffTrax crew busts on that a lot, but there's seriously cool stuff there.

Love love love the hell out of all of these, but especially Seven Samurai.

The thing that's really cool about that movie is that you don't *feel* its hefty runtime. That one goes by like it's NOTHIN'.

Film noir is endlessly entertaining, and boy howdy, does The Maltese Falcon satisfy. YOWZA.


The Haunting for vibes and cinematography, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid for fun. Though any time I get a chance to see Cabinet of Dr Caligari with love accompaniment that would trump both on all counts.


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