Maggie Astor — "After taking office & examini...

"After taking office & examining 100s of pages of curriculum, Gore was shocked by what she found—and didn’t find. The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist. Children were not being sexualized & she could find no examples" of CRT.

Former allies started threatening her.

A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrina…

Courtney Gore, a Granbury ISD school board member, has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on. Her defiance has brought her backlash.

"...but because officers didn’t conclusively identify the weapon that night, and because Cliff Criswell declined to cooperate, prosecutors were unable to file charges, said Granbury police Deputy Chief Cliff Andrews." Based on this, it apparently is the way the law works. 🤷‍♀️


"Had we identified the gun at the very moment, yes, absolutely, we could have filed charges on it,” Andrews said. “We made a simple mistake.” Argh these people! So fucking tired of hearing how "the far left", whatever that is, is such a threat because diversity in books or whatever.

Sarah Thurmond

That’s exactly why they don’t want white kids to discover things in common with black kids through books: what if they start realizing how many issues they share and start working together against the rich people making life difficult for the rest of us?

Adeyinka Young

At some level the concern that white kids might feel bad to discover that some of their ancestors did bad things would be the result of the obscurity of white dissidents. You don't learn much about southern unionists in the civil war section of APUSH, for example.


So her friends shunned her for telling the truth. THIS IS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TODAY FOLKS. If you dare to not be a raging bigot/racist who believes their lies you are shunned or have your life threatened.

Maggie Astor

Scapegoating fascists will turn on their adherents as surely as they attack their opponents. Because it's about intimidation for control.

Maggie Astor

In August 2023, she moved to censure Karen Lowery for violating a campus policy, rather than supporting a false narrative.

In the November 2023 election, she turned against the party candidates & endorsed the woman she'd previously ousted, Nancy Alana, as a way to redress the balance to the board.


The right wing view is that the publicly available records are doctored and censored to hide the truth.

Once she'd been elected Courtney went digging through the raw data that the reports were compiled from, to find the lies at their source, but came up with nothing.


I get the "I told you so" reaction, I felt it too. However, we should support people who are capable of changing their minds when presented with the facts and act on the newly discovered truth. It takes courage to go against the group you were part of and I respect that.

Maggie Astor

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