Pwnallthethings — Big numbers start getting hard...

Big numbers start getting hard to really properly visualise, but for reference, the numbers here correspond to deporting about 5% of all people in the United States. 1 in 20 people. It's numbers just slightly shy of the population of Florida, or a bit bigger than the population of the Portugal

Yeah, almost immediately, because absolutely NO ONE is going to take *15 million* deportees. They're gonna get crammed into border camps and suddenly we're going to start hearing how we need some kind of "solution" to the problem.


yeah, and absolutely what's going to happen is that Border Patrol is going to *start* from a wild over-estimate -- "35 million ILLEGALS in AMERICA" -- then when they can only find fifteen thousand or however many, they're going to start saying "We know they're here, they must be in disguise"

Steve Watts

so since we "know" that there are more ILLEGALS, and we "know" that they're in disguise, this rapidly moves from "locking up people who we know are here illegally" to "locking up anyone who can't *immediately prove they're here legally*"


and then, of course, the GOP is going to have to complain that we still aren't deporting enough people faster -- "oh, there are still problems? Do things suck ass? It's because there are still too many ILLEGALS! Let's raise the threshold for proof of legality so we can get more deportations"


that makes sense as a source for the additional several million, and is particularly brutal and horrific (as the UK asylum mess is proving). Revoking asylum has the potential to create stateless or near-stateless individuals, an even worse outcome than a harsh policy on visa-unauthorized persons.


My guess is they’ll decide to take away citizenship by birthright (they’ve made general noises in that direction before, whining about “anchor babies” or whatever)

And then maybe they’ll extend that a few generations back: “We decree that your great great grandfather was illegal!! Out you all go!”

Sam Ulmschneider

The 14th Amendment's citizenship clause is a v difficult barrier to get around. Even this Supreme Court, debased as it is, probably couldn't/wouldn't eliminate birthright citizenship. You'd likely have to replace Roberts w someone like Judge Ho and probably replace Gorsuch too to get that outcome.

Queen Gwenevere

oh yeah I agree. And the ugly noises serve the cruel purpose of dissuading people. Still, some laws, structure, and guidelines will be easier to trash and disfigure and ignore than others. The 14th Amendment's citizenship clause will be one of the harder American principles for them to vandalize.

Queen Gwenevere

Yes, but even a botched half-ass attempt at their current authoritarian plans will cause more than enough trouble and chaos for everyone (much like last time, but with even more extra chaos.)

And their stated plan IS total authoritarianism. Even a partial implementation of that is Bad News.

Sam Ulmschneider

Godwin's law and all that but when I read the description of generalplan ost in Bloodlands I realized that I had somehow managed to be very naive about the Nazis. Sure, they committed unprecedented atrocities but they were trying to do things that were somehow much worse.


I saw this posited in another thread (can’t remember who) but the threat of that selective enforcement might actually be the ideal scenario… to allow for a continued, but more corrupt abuse of that power. They need immigrant work, just want to dehumanize them more in the process.

Paul Musgrave 🍦

The Tories in the UK are trying to export undocumented people to Rwanda, so I no longer underestimate the sheer vastness of their evil. Trump would merely take a page and deport undocumented folks/brown people/Democrats to a worse place.


Right. And the immigration rhetoric in the UK (and Europe more broadly) means a lot of people die and pretty regularly, and there is a pretty broad and callous disregard for their welfare or lives whatsoever in politics; dehumanized into a status and a number of how many died in today's headline


But this wouldn’t be 5% distributed evenly or randomly. It would devastate, as in probably end, agriculture for example. Construction. If an industry collapses due to lack of labor, that’s not just “tomatoes are 10% higher.” Eg, NJ can’t harvest tomato/blueberry/mushroom crops anymore, at all.

Franklin D. Roosefella

It's intended to have a chastening effect, shall we say, on a segment of the work force that's already pretty vulnerable and shrinks from contact with officialdom.

Sobering piece in Forbes today about bird flu turning up in Texas cattle workers. How bad? We don't know - they're avoiding testing.


Also even in his first term, "Trump is disorganized and incompetent" was hugely oversold. Trump was disorganized in areas where he didn't give a shit: traditional governance, more or less.

Trump and the people around him _cared_ about immigration, and they hit the ground running.


I think most people do not grok the extent to which there has, for the last 50 years, been a parallel world of nativist policy wonks who have been drawing up and refining plans in anticipation of being able to finally implement them. They went quiet after Prop 187 tanked but they did not go _away_.

Doctor Memory

Yup. Someone (probably Kobach) had the language of that one written up and ready to go months in advance; probably well ahead of Trump floating the idea during the campaign.

And _now_ they have a very different supreme court to contend with. They will get zero pushback from judicial.


The way I'd put that is that the *relevance* of his disorganization and incompetence was oversold: the Administration had a helluva time getting a lot of their agenda through the bureaucracy, legislature, and courts, but they also did a helluva lot of damage in their attempts.

Doctor Memory

Did it take the Administration three attempts to draft a Muslim ban that SCOTUS found past muster? Yes. Were countless people left stranded in airports, stranded abroad, taken into and/or released from custody, and left up in the air regarding their school or work status, etc.? Also yes.

R. Eric VanNewkirk

I don't think Trump 2 will be as inept as Trump 1 was. But I also think it doesn't matter to the degree that the first Trump Administration totally fucked countless human lives while it flailed around and even an equally incompetent second Trump Administration would do no less harm.

R. Eric VanNewkirk

It would be horrific if they succeeded (and they might). And I wonder what they think will happen then. Is losing 5% of our workforce going to have a good result? 5% of our consumer base? 5% of our tax base (and yes, immigrants, both documented and un- pay a lot of taxes).


Even if this worked "perfectly" (as these people define perfect), this would have a terrible effect on the economy and industry, as well as being completely inhumane. Absolutely no one would come out of this well.

H. Valli

Perhaps this is the goal? The Trump supporters would look around and go, "hey, my life still sucks—in fact it sucks harder!" and decide it must be some other marginalized group's fault. And they'd rally around Trump as he promised to deal with whoever the new "them" was.

H. Valli

Lot of white people in care homes will also die if their nurses are evacuated to Madagascar. Apart from patients because doctors and nurses and EMTs. Who will pick the crops. Build the houses. And who will have children to become soldiers lawyers engineers programmers.


I used to teach how to do this kind of round number estimation in debate class, for when you needed to quantify a harm.

Used to practice it with round numbers from the lamented Statistical Abstract:

"Big number", then "That's six pairs of socks, weekly, for the entire population of Maine!"


“Oh it wasn’t so bad last time” is one of the most subtle, scary ways we’re sleepwalking into fascism. I don’t think people understand how much of 2016-2020 was about the adults in the room playing interference on Trump and Miller’s worst ideas. They’re determined not to let that happen again.

J. D.

My read of your comment was that the previous iteration of this admin was too incompetent or disorganized to pull this off.

My response was that what appeared like incompetence was actually a handful of responsible people stymying horrific ideas, and those people won’t be around this time.

J. D.

I don't think institutional safeguards are what staved off the worst outcomes in 2019. It was *people* in the administration who played interference. Trump and Miller have learned that lesson and are talking openly about their plans to stack their cabinet with loyalist true-believers.

J. D.

I’m not saying that he’ll nominate some brilliant cabinet level official who can overcome institutional safeguards.

I’m saying the institutional safeguards are already weak and ineffectual, and he’ll nominate loyal cabinet members willing to take advantage of that to advance his goals.

J. D.

To be specific to this particular proposal, he’s talking about immigration enforcement, which is already in the president’s purview. If he wins it will be after running on this so he’ll have political capital for it. And the main roadblock is a court challenge which inevitably goes to SCOTUS.

Steve Watts

Stalin’s purges sent, according to different sources, between 1.3M and 3.8M political prisoners to GULAG. Total population of the USSR was 170M according to the 1939 census. The system could not maintain the flow at the peak in 1937 - think overcrowded barracks, malnutrition, excess mortality.


Also the GULAG system was that of free labor, from timber to uranium mining for the atomic bomb, while deportations will be a vast expense with negative return: the U.S. labor force will contract by nearly that number of people. The country will be thrown into economic turmoil with nobody to hire.

Stas Kolenikov

I was there, on the ground in New Hampshire. The saying “dated Dean, married Kerry” was a real thing. The Scream made for catchy TV, but something had changed in the previous week. The Powers That Be said “that’s enough of this populist nonsense, now the party establishment is in charge.”


These kinds of atrocities need to be brought down to the personal, to the impact on individual lives. How will it affect you, a voter? How will it destroy the lives of people with whom you're close? How will it destroy your community, your economy? Letting them go as crazy-talk is intolerable.


Right. Important to understand that for the 5% directly targeted, it will be particularly grim and terrible, and we should be careful about de-centering them from the harm primarily directed at them, but also ... you can't deport 5% of the country without it directly affecting the other 95%

David Kaye

and when they get rid of birthright citizenship ... that might not even be enough. Do you know where your parent's birth certificates are? Their parents'? And even if you can, can you do it on the bus to the detention center while they've confiscated your phone?

3 Dog Dad

and when they get rid of birthright citizenship ... that might not even be enough. Do you know where your parents' birth certificates are? Their parents'? And even if you can, can you do it on the bus to the detention center while they've confiscated your phone?

3 Dog Dad

Can't get something from group A without having used something from Group C in the past. I-9 makes citizenship status pretty obvious, sadly.

Social Security card and Birth Certificate with seal are the easiest for me, I have needed them for additional work related applications as well.

Malaclypse the Middle

I doubt they’d bother. If they want to get rid of us, they’ll go after the families of our spouses or our parents without such thorough documentation.

It’s not like the threat of deporting someone’s spouse and children doesn’t give them tremendous leverage. 1/


That way, they don’t damage the optics for their own supporters. “Obviously, Mr. Neville is a US citizen. Unfortunately, he could not provide documentation to prove that his wife and children are also citizens. So he has elected to join them in deportation.” 2/2

Thomas Neville

It's hard for folks to comprehend in advance what it will look like or how it will affect them personally, and the difficulty is trying to help folks see how it will affect them intolerably, and that it's not hyperbole that *even* if you are a citizen, this will *also* intolerably suck for you


I think Pwn’s point is there’s no way it won’t immediately materially affect almost everyone, because something like this would entail feds/troops raiding entire urban neighborhoods & towns, likely without local police coordination. There’d be no way to steer clear, and the violence would spill over


By the time that actually impinges on their lives, it'll be fearsomely difficult to affect matters.

(Thinking on stories of communities coming together, not always succeeding in preventing one single deportation of a student, for instance.)


I think we came pretty close to having armed neighborhood groups in San Diego to resist deportation sweeps last time. The willingness of blue cities and states to push back was enough to disrupt the dynamic. This time I don’t know.


I dont understand why these threats are not reported in terms of the chaos on the Economy as well (both for staffing & paying customers) Even hateful bigots probably dont want every restaurant and grocery in town to close, right? Like, I get they dont get nuance (or the point of society..) but still

Andrew Blum

Right, it's not like there's an existing infrastructure for figuring out who's getting deported. EVERYONE is going to be at risk. Everyone is going to have to have "papers", whatever those will be. It's not even a hypothetical, it fucking happens in every one of these! Don't like Bob? He's gone.


I had a conversation with a co-worker pre-COVID, where he suggested immigrants should be required to carry ID at all times

Me: So you're OK with being arrested for not having ID on you?
Him: No, it would just apply to immigrants
Me: How do the cops know that without an ID?


I am also seeing it that the number 15-20M is 1.5-2x higher than the estimated total number of undocumented immigrants (who he says he wants to deport) in the US. What do you wanna bet that, if he tells his people to come up with 15-20m of undocumented immigrants to round up, they will even if the


Like, I don't want to minimize how inhumane Trump's policies are, but I feel like someone should be pointing out to the rich folks that deporting 5% of the US population is going to drive vacancy rates up and rents and property values down and surely the psychopaths at Blackrock wouldn't want that?


I’m thinking of that illegal guy that owned that beloved restaurant and then got deported & separated from his family & all the neighborhood white people were like “oh my that’s terrible” & year later it was a white lady owning the place and “oh the old guy? We don’t really think about him anymore”

David Kaye

A vast amount of our country is within 100 miles of a border or coast, at which point the law gets WEIRD. It’s just that no president has been insane enough to stretch that to its full possibilities yet. But “border checkpoints” are legal anywhere w/i that 100 miles, & ICE patrols are a small step

Kevin Verhoff

The neighborhood I live in has had a drastic change in demographics since I moved in 15 years ago.

There has been an influx of immigrants from Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) over that time, and I shudder to think what would happen around here if Trump had his way.


I agree with everything- but I also suspect that it’s red meat for the rubes to get Trump back in. Then the meatpackers, the Farm Bureau, construction, restaurant & hospitality orgs will have their people make some calls, & these plans will go away, just like taxes & regs on these same industries.


The Stephen Millers have realized that there is a SIGNIFICANT audience out there that gets off on the spectacle of state violence against whiny kids, gays, uppity women, ungrateful minorities and immigrants, etc. These messages are moving the Overton window so that they can deliver as needed.


But the messaging itself is despicable, because moving that window results in an increase in the background level of danger experienced by members of those groups. And eventually, the rubes will demand more and more violence.


Its happening with extreme right parties everywhere. The UK deporting migrants to Rwanda, The AFD in Germany with remigration rhetoric. They ignored climate change for yrs but it's obvious now. It will cause mass migration globally. The conservatives fear that more than the actual climate change.

Pwnallthethings literally aired this back in August 2007, and yes, literallly a major MSoG-lineage Christian Nationalist called for stripping people of citizenship, classifying them as illegals, and putting them in concentration camps

Not even kidding.

Assemblies pastor calls non-dominionists "illegal aliens" on CNN's "God's Warriors"?

CNN's groundbreaking series "God's Warriors"--in which promoters of Wahhabist Islam, Haredi Judaism, and "Christian" dominionism are revealed--has caused up quite the stir; dominionists in ...


And that leader in turn had links to some extreme anti-LGBTQIA groups (recruiting among Russian emigre communities) linked to violence, and followed THAT up with a call of mandatory "degaying" and "detransing" and other stuff that's in #Project2025 now

Joseph Fuiten, the Assemblies, "Watchmen On The Walls"...and pure hate

In yesterday's post --which I refer to as "The Big List, California Edition"--I recommended that people specifically not give ...


This takes us into death camp territory as the logistics of supplying food and medicine will become overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of internees. People will starve and die of disease as corrupt prison companies take shortcuts to maximize their profits. There is a nightmare brewing here.


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