Andrew Thaler — Grass is the most irrigated cr...

So that specific distinction on what someone can grow via native grass seed or seed mixes such as habiturf vs putting down a square of Bermuda servers what purpose? Is it just to “well actually “ prairie vs lawn or are you going to provide a meaningful contribution.

A lawn is a tight carpet of green, very cushiony & it can be mowed short & support heavy foot traffic. A prairie is taller, very mixed, very seasonal, you can't mow it much, you can see a little dirt between plants, it's more delicate when it comes to traffic.
I should have said all that at first.


Oh I went on a _tangent_ because I thought "we got native clover over _here_!" & we do, some real pretty ones, but they don't lawn up like the introduced kinds. I think lawns should be reserved for where they happen naturally, except for neighborhood parks & playing fields. No lawns at houses.

The Octopus Gallery

Clover is taking over my lawn naturally and I couldn't be more delighted. It's not really a lawn, it's weeds I cut down to lawn height. But I'm not the owner I'm a tenant so I'm not spending lots of money to fix a lawn that's not technically mine.

Western cities are pretty great at maximizing water conservation. The biggest issue facing the west water wise is not people, it's agriculture. Growing stuff that is not supposed to grow in that climate. And a lot of it for livestock


I guess in my view, ag and livestock are just downstream of humans.

In the case of, say, Phoenix, we're great water managers because we made our own problem by settling in the desert.

Agricultural water use is due to America relying on massive corporate farms rather than smaller local outfits.

Ham Elliot

Native grasses in dry summer climates (ie the whole west coast) set seed and go dormant if there's no rain for a couple of weeks and stay dormant until it rains like hell for a couple of weeks; if it freezes without raining it stays dormant until the next spring.

Random Rage

Toyally agree. I have a lawn service. They left a sign to water within 2-3 days of application. Wife wonders why I haven't done that. I told her I just don't water; it's on its own and up to nature. It's doing pretty well.

Andrew Thaler

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