Estep Nagy — Jack Dorsey's problem with Blu...

It honestly seems like development for Twitter just died after they pushed out all the updates they'd been working on before Musk took over. Wasnt Twitter supposed to turn into a dating app? Werent you supposed to be able to send money? The video features are all half baked.

Estep Nagy

I don't know if it's still going, but since the Blue Check gave you the ability to upload movies of unlimited length, people were posting the entire Ast and Furious series, all of LotR, that kind of thing, which has hammering Twitter's storage and bandwidth far in excess of $8 a month.


more than anything else i think this is a damning indictment of absolutely dogshit brained idiot investors pumping money into Jack's career. like this seems radical but this is also something he's probably told money men dozens of times behind closed doors

Estep Nagy

Journalism is when you give a person every sympathetic public narrative about them that's already been made and ask them, "which one of these do you like the most?" Instead of letting them say anything in their own words.

Estep Nagy

But, we use our critical thinking skills to protect our biological impulses, which are ultimately self destructive. Microbes in a Petri dish grow until they run out of nutrients, or foul their medium. We have the knowledge to save ourselves, but we use “reason” to continue behaving as microbes would

Hey! Monster Boy

Why did the horde ride with Genghis Khan? They felt they had no choice? They wanted to be on the winning team? One thing is demonstrated repeatedly: you can’t rally the troops to “help other people.” Most Christians are unaware that Jesus said we should serve the less fortunate. It’s an 1/2

Silent in Flames

2/2 unappealing message. People prefer the fantasy of Jesus that commands them to torment society’s weakest members. There are evolutionary reasons for man’s inhumanity. The punchline is that following psychopaths has made humans “successful” in dominating Earth, but will lead to our extinction.

Jay Schiavone

it's just wild because even if there's merit to the idea of "never moderate anything ever", we know that having a mass of people scream abuse at you because they're bigoted against you is way worse for freedom of speech than saying "maybe we just don't allow this one thing"

Ol' Chef Dan

Drennen wasn't bullied off of Bluesky. People were talking to her quite civilly about how Taylor fucking Lorenz giving a platform to Chaya Raichik was, in fact, bad. Drennen left because she saw that Bluesky by and large told Lorenz to eat shit after that.


Oh my god when u go to cookie preferences (teeny tiny typeface at the bottom) and click “decline all” it suddenly says ZERO FREE ARTICLES and blocks you from reading whatever you were reading

Truly a fash site, “ve need vecords of all zour activitees for the ze güd of ze state!”

Estep Nagy

>leaves twitter because he thinks nobody should own social media
>endorses elon to own twitter
>funds open platform with millions of dollars
>open platform, open in nature, adds moderation tools
>joins twitter

he treats social media like me picking my sandwich for lunch

Estep Nagy

Hey Jack, all of the pseudo-philosophical blather & insider talk about B Corps & public-private keys is, in the end, a bunch of bullshit.

The reality is not that complicated: the general public wants private platforms that create hospitable spaces for dialogue.

That’s it.

No edgelords, no Nazis.

Estep Nagy

Hey Jack, all of the pseudo-philosophical blather & insider talk about B Corps & public-private keys is, in the end, a bunch of bullshit.

The reality is not that complicated: the general public wants platforms that create hospitable spaces for dialogue.

That’s it.

No edgelords, no Nazis.

Estep Nagy

I think this is a distinguishing feature of anyone who could be called "smart money".

They do not speak often, and when they do, there is only a tenuous link to their true beliefs

I don't know enough about this guy to tell if he's in that category, or the classic right place/right time dim bulb

This won't be a popular take, but Jack is right about what makes for a successful social media company.

I'm hearing that Kraft Foods and Countrywide Financial have been calling Linda Yaccarino nonstop for days demanding that their ads appear next to Nick Fuentes's posts.

Elon Musk says he'll reinstate the X account of white nationalist Nick Fuentes

Holocaust survivors launched a new campaign targeting antisemitism online just hours before Musk's announcement.

Estep Nagy

I initially stayed away from Bluesky *because* of Dorsey’s involvement. I wanted no part of the thing run by the guy who said Elon was “the singular solution I trust…to extend the light of consciousness;” the cringe crypto-monk who platformed anti-vaxxers, Nazis, and violent transphobes.

Estep Nagy

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