Jake Gold — My view on programming languag...

My view on programming languages in 2024:

C/C++ ➡️ Rust

Objective C ➡️ Swift

Python/Ruby/Perl/PHP/Java/Scala ➡️ Go

JavaScript ➡️ TypeScript

Bash ➡️ Bash

Badly - Python's integrated with and embedded in many many things.
It's become the Fortran of this millennium for science and the shell scripting upgrade as well, replacing Perl/AWK.

If it weren't for all the embedded libraries and existing code,
{all that stuff} -> LISP

It doesn’t. Go is popular (with some resistance) for backend web stuff, but DS/ML/MLE/MLOps is all Python all the time.

I really hope the Elixir ML ecosystem catches up soon because it’s such a fun language to use.

teaching myself Perl now... favorite part so far has to be that brackets are whatever character you feel like they should be for that line.
Nothing feels quite as hacky yet right as s(hello)[world] being the same as s/hello/world/

Roland Giersig

Zig's motto is "Maintain it with Zig.", Zig really is meant for taking existing projects and making sure they work well in the future.
What I mean by replacement, is that any future projects should reach for Zig instead of C.


Yes, and the rules are really like a spoken language. If you ask to use someone's bathroom it's important that you both agree on what a bathroom is and what using it entails, otherwise there can be some awkward moments 😄. A lexicon is sort of a dictionary

Stephanie goes by Stephanie

I'm a big fan of OVH's $5.50/mo VLE-2 series - us.ovhcloud.com/vps/

Very compelling offering (2vCPU, 2GB of RAM, 40GB NVME, and 500mbps unmetered bandwidth)

About half the cost of any other cloud offering i.e. Vultr/DO/etc. for solid specs. Their portal sucks but the machines are good.


Migrate to the cloud with our VPS — all the advantages of a dedicated server at a lower price. Up to 8 vCores, 32GB RAM, 640GB NVMe, unlimited traffic.



nope, they just have a really shitty control panel/web UI for provisioning and you gotta wait like an hour or two for them to get your node up and running.

it's not as "turnkey" as the other cloud providers but it's much better value


to clarify to an audience of not just Stephanie - Lexicon is a schema definition language designed to suit our specific protocol needs (i.e. lots of open unions). It’s a little verbose due to being JSON, but this lets it be very easily machine-and-human readable, and it serves us very well

Samuel 🆒

Hot damn okay now I think I get it. The lexicon is really just a good faith attempt to codify the known interactions while also accommodating the unknowns, which is something that previous specs like swagger/openapi don't really address

Samuel 🆒

I think that's more to do with the context of how ASN was used. It was a super useful way of serializing raw data structures to streams in memory-unsafe languages, and that is always a recipe for disaster. BER was a mistake for that reason alone. Using it in memory safe languages makes it good-ish.

Bill Stewart

I do a lot of statistics, so I learned R first and (blasphemy, I know) find its syntax more intuitive than Python's. Python is good too, but R has lots of native packages that do exactly what I want.

Oh I completely agree with you. On all that (+Rstudio)

I just expected python would have the packages it lacked when I discovered butch (in ml context) and from an efficiency standpoint "I'm proficient in R, do you have a job for me" isn't exactly as good as Python's

Matt Murphy

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