Katie Tightpussy — random insecure trans woman: t...

like come ON y'all why do we do this discourse every three weeks. it immediately falls flat every time.

yes, there's something to be said about sexualization and objection of women on social media, especially with how trans women are fetishized, but y'all are missing the forest for the trees here.

Katie Tightpussy

I also have pretty big social anxiety and frankly guilt over participating.

I guess I don't know what to say here other than I do recognize both sides of the coin. I'd never tell anyone not to post. It can be hella validating and it's not like there aren't filtering tools if it REALLY bugs you.


I'll admit I had a bit of an immature bitchy meltdown over it. Got blocked (fairly) by some of them.

But then the same thing happened a few days later on a different topic.

Now normally: I generally subscribe to The if you keep running into assholes, theory.

But I generally try to be respectful.


all a question of when, where, and how you're jumping in. by jump in i just mean reply to people normally without fear, but that doesn't mean get super over-familiar or start beefing with people or shit like that. just gotta act like you belong and you'll be fine


I don't think that there's any requirement to post nudes and I don't even know if I'm thinking about the same posts you are, but I very much feel like a sizable portion of the transfemme part of this site has a presumption that other trans women are all interested in highly sexual posts

Katie Tightpussy

Like I'm not running away from the site because of it but I am a little tired of trans women taking parts of their sexual lives that they find personally affirming and extrapolating it to be an inherent part of trans identity


Auto generated subtitles are shit. Mostly Chirac talks about liking coffee, then they notice they're early, they talk about killing another politician, then Sarkozy says Édouard Balladur won't run as president, and the punchline is Chirac still enjoys the job after 20 years.

Pulp fiction façon Chirac - Les Guignols - CANAL+

GÉNÉRATION GUIGNOLS c’est l’occasion de retrouver les marionnettes dans tout ce qui les a rendu inoubliables de Johnny Hallyday à Jacques Chirac en passant p...


Mitildide 🦖

I'm not sure what the point is in gaining followers for followers sake. Number go up? I understand if you need MA or are someone who makes money off the audience (SW or not) but it's just as good (maybe better) when you have less followers.

Katie Tightpussy

There is a lot of overlap between Ebikers and Trans forks. I wonder if it is the willingness to live without consideration for others projected place in society. A Women should look like this, a bike should be like this.
Regardless, a lot of people need to not worry what's between some ones legs.

Katie Tightpussy

If what is between my legs is causing you so much mental stress, I think you have the problem not me.

We struggled to get to this place, we were here first, this is our area, etc. I can understand some of the envy or lust for our easy of adoption. I hope the people stuck can find a way through.


I see more people like you whining than I do people genuinely causing problems for this website. This site was made to stop perpetuating immature twitter drama, yet half the people who have migrated here since it's been opened up just love starting shit half of us never see.


I've been on here since it was closed beta. Ever since it's been opened up all I see is unnecessary drama. No amount of blocking seems to stop it, since unlike with these people you're complaining about. People who whine relentlessly are not flagged, and easy to block on here.

Katie Tightpussy

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